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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Classical doesn't have to be this way!

I guess I should first explain the purpose of this blog. I've made it my personal mission to help people experience classical music. I feel very strongly that classical music doesn't have to be "stuffy" and should be fun.

The pieces listed in this blog are by no means intended to be a "best of" list. There have been folks far brighter than I who tried to create such a list, and have failed miserably. I think it's best to appreciate  musical beauty without pinning the work of one genius against the next.

Listening is a truly selfish activity - and it's absolutely wonderful! I encourage you (whoever you are out there) to just sit back and enjoy the music. In this country we have an obsession with multi-tasking. Let it go, forget about the dishes, forget about the paper you are putting off, the dog doesn't HAVE to go out now...just listen.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog, M - can't wait to keep reading (and listening) to see what you have in store for the future!

